Monday, 30 December 2013

Question From BNCTTKCSIBUNAMRCbiggestfan to Noah Racluse

Okay, this is suppose to be a kind of Question thing like the characters are getting interviewed with fan questions, so I'll be acting as if this is a show of some kind.
"Hello people and this is the first ever episode of the Twilight Saga Show. I'm your host, TrueTigress and today we will be asking Noah Racluse some questions sent in by BNCTTKCSIBUNAMRCbiggest fan. Her names a bit of a handful to say! So, lets get started and introduce Noah Racluse to the Twilight Saga Show!" TrueTigress says with a sweep of her hand.
Onto the stage walks Noah, he waves awkwardly at the clapping crowd and then sits down on the large white chair looking uncomfortable.
"So, Noah, the questions that BNCTTKCSIBUNAMRCbiggestfan asked was; 'how old are you and was Katia kind before and if she wasn't did she abuse you and if she did how did she abuse you as in her methods?'" TrueTigress asks Noah as he fidgets a little.
"Well, I'm five hundred years old, give or take a few years but I don't feel that old because Katia always got her boyfriend Hugh to put me in some sort of sleeping state where I would be dead to the world. She does this every time I get defiant and leaves me in a coffin for a hundred years or so." He plays with his thumbs and then bites his lip, "She was never really kind to me, there were times in my childhood I thought she might have changed but never anything dramatic. She did abuse me when I was little, and that is why I fear her now. Usually she didn't lay a finger on me, she would just use her power and induce my body into a heart attack- and believe me it hurts. A lot." He sighs and then touches his chest slightly as if he expects to get a heart attack induced again.
"So your childhood was pretty crappy then?" TrueTigress asks with a tone of sadness in her voice.
"Yes, honestly, my life has been crappy. But now I've met Izeya I feel I have something to live for again." He smiles slightly and looks into the crowd as they clap at him.
"Well, people. That is all we have time for now, so one final round of applause for Noah and you can keep those questions coming in!" TrueTigress bows slightly as the crowd goes wild for Noah and then the lights dim down and the show goes off air.

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